Science Club is focused on correlating science to everyday life and school events. Lead by James High, the club participates in engaging projects and experiments that all students can enjoy. Science Club does a variety of projects so there is something for everyone to partake in.
“When you’re in science club, you have a lot of opportunities to participate. Our first project is always the float, which you can help out with in the morning, break, or after school. This means with sports, band, or CTC you can still experience this club!” Amanda Luther, a sophomore who has been a member of Science Club for two years, clarifies.
This year for the Homecoming parade, Science Club built a mouse trap with High’s guidance. With moving pieces, their float revealed an obstacle course where a ball rolled through to set off a trap which then caught a mouse, or in this case a red mustang.
“We used a Red Mustang rather than a mouse as we wanted to capture the mascot of our competing school, CenterHill. It would represent our confidence and school spirit in the upcoming football game, and it gives special meaning to our HOCO float.” Allisha Guan, a sophomore who has been a member of science club since the start of her freshman year, discloses.
Science Club’s members put a significant amount of work into this project, even planning to dress up as mice and exterminators with water or bubble guns to create a scene.
“I dressed up as a rat for the float because I already owned a rat costume and the theme was mouse trap. We had exterminators because we needed someone to ‘trap’ the rats.” Victoria Thyer, a sophomore who has been in Science Club for a year, explains.
This isn’t the only float Science Club has done. Last year they did a Homecoming float on the Eclipse to fit the theme of a road trip–complete with Eclipse music.
“It was stressful at first but it was pretty interesting. We just used different things than I thought we would.” Keegan Hess, a sophomore who has been in Science Club for two years now, says.
The science club also participates in much more besides the homecoming parade. Members decorate the science hall for holidays where everyone is welcome to have fun with both building and painting. Last year, the group painted miniature buildings, a snow globe and Santa’s experimental workshop.
“We spread the knowledge of the solar eclipse during the HOCO parade; we experimented with food sciences during our Halloween party and we decorated science hall for the holiday season. At the end of last year, we started a terrarium project which we plan to finish this year!” Sivmeng Nak, a sophomore who has participated in Science Club for two years, explains.
The majority of Science Club’s projects are decided after having a club discussion amongst High and the members. However, they have a long-lasting project to build a terrarium to house a lizard, fish, and possibly a frog.
“It goes at an easy pace and it’s quite welcoming. Everyone has the chance to do something or help out at some parts.” Nya Sun, a sophomore who has been in Science Club since her freshman year, states.
To join Science Club students can use the QR code posted at the beginning of the year during the club days. However, this isn’t the only way to join. If a student missed the QR code sign up, they can find High on sixth hall and speak to him about joining. The Science Club states they are always happy to welcome new members.