Every school (most likely) has officers that patrol the school, ensuring the safety of the students and teachers. These officers are called ‘School Resource Officers’ (SRO), and there’s one day each year where their work and dedication is appreciated.
February 15th is known as National SRO Day and was proclaimed in 2022. The headquarters of the National Association of School Resource Officers was established in 1991. It is a nonprofit organization for school-based law enforcement officers, school administrators, and school security and safety professionals working as partners to protect students, school faculty and staff, and the schools where they learn and work.
“We established National School Resource Officer Appreciation Day in 2022, after receiving frequent inquiries from schools around the country regarding the most appropriate day to recognize their SROs,” said NASRO executive director Mo Canady. “We encourage schools and communities to take time Feb. 15 to let their SROs know how much they appreciate the work these officers do to bridge gaps between law enforcement and youth and to keep schools safe.”
Hernando High School has 2 SRO’s: Officer Christopher Blair and Officer Alec Daly. They work to make sure their school is safe and protected while also being silly and friendly with the students and faculty.
The Golden Report appreciates Blair and Daly for all that they do for us. Thank you, officers!